Member Profiles

Check out these profiles by some of our artists

Click on artists' names to see biographies.

Donna Birtwistle

Wildlife Artist from Mill Bay BC

Sue Coleman

from Duncan BC

Rosemary Danaher

from Crofton BC

Neil A Fatin

Photographic Art / Fine Art Photography from Crofton BC

Catherine Fraser

from Duncan BC

Brigette Furlonger

from Mill Bay BC

Charlotte Haggart

from Shawnigan Lake BC

Terry Harrison

Painted glass, tiles and clothing from Mill Bay BC

Joan Head

from Mill Bay BC

Roger Jackson

Marine themes and landscapes in oil and acrylic from Mill Bay BC

Carolyn McDonald

painter from Cowichan Bay BC

Eileen McGann

Musician & Visual Artist from Mill Bay BC

Joane Moran - AFCA

from Cobble Hill BC

Catherine Taron

from Maple Bay BC

Jocelyn West

from Crofton BC